When you sign up for DadLINE, you get to meet with another dad, basically someone who’s been in your shoes, who knows how to be a father. They’re there to answer your questions and give you a pat on the back to let you know everything’s going to be fine, that being a dad is cool. That gave me hope.
DadLINE has helped me prepare for my baby. I have learned so much. A lot of people here are parents themselves, so we get to see how they interact and learn from them . . . I know there’s hope even when things get hard.
The group is safe, comfortable, friendly, and supportive.
The workshop has appropriately quelled my fears of becoming a first-time father.
I feel like I always take away from the lessons. Like it does help me become a better person/father.
I liked learning healthy habits and tips from men/dads who have done this longer than me.
My favorite part of the program was meeting new people and learning new strategies to communicate with my wife.
I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed the program and how nice everyone was.